In Too Deep (2024)
This years event centered around the fate of the ocean in the face of plastic pollution. Boasting three levels of sea creatures crafted from post consumer waste, the depth was felt, while maintaining an air of brevity for guests
Invitations to the event were inspired by shark eggs and crafted using latex, wrapped wire and discarded fishing lures.
The annual thematic poem was written on a board resembling a trash ridden ocean floor.
Sinking cans, drunk, binned and trashed. Totally wasted, we’re sinking fast.
Hitting the gas while the driver’s asleep. Best buckle up ‘cause we’re
As Above, So Below (2023)
2023’s focus was on the insect die out that has been exponential in the last decade. The event was staged as the insects afterlife. As guests navigated the realms they were reminded that without these insects, and their important functions, humanity is next. Using Hieronymous Bosch’s Garden of Earthly Delights as a thematic, and visual jumping off point I worked to imagine and fabricate a near apocalyptic state of the earth with three layered divides (Heaven, Earth, and Hell) that mimic the triptychs themes of chaos and hubris.
A table (pictured and zoomed in, left) made from traffic flattened coke cans sits in hell, a nod to the worlds largest polluter, The Coca Cola Company.
Invitations to the event were created with a mounted, spotted lanternfly. These insects were terrorizing the east coast and felt like the perfect symbol to represent the event. Pestilence in the face of climate related inset decline is exactly the topic.
Poem written on the Satan Star to provide context to the theme:
As above so below
What of us when the insects go?
Terribly sad!
Horribly mean!
Classic Capitaloscene.
60 gone - it’s not complex.
As they dwindle remember
You’re next!!